Outside Project

This month Queer Zine Library is at The Outside Project, the LGBTIQ crisis/homeless centre and community centre in London. We are here throughout all of February's LGBT History month and you can sit and read and explore 250 zines from our collections in the community centre until the 29th.

We are super excited to be at The Outside Project. It's a very active time with the launch of the LGBTIQA+ housing campaign run as a coalition between National and London based LGBTIQA+ orgs. The manifesto launched this week and you can find out more about the campaign and sign the petition here: lgbtiqoutside.org/campaign

We are also very excited to be in the same space as the joint exhibition organised by Queerseum and Museum of Homlessness. As we were setting up the Queer Zine Library we were given a tour of the exhibition which looks at the truths of the last 10 years - exploring the homeless crisis of the last 10 years.

We are also hosting a queer zine making workshop on Wednesday 12th February as part of the weekly socials at the community centre. You can come and make zines with us, contribute a page to a compilation zine, or just sit and read zines from the library, there's no pressure and no skill needed.

We would love supporters of the Queer Zine Library to also lend as much support and solidarity with Outside Project. Please go sign their petition, and if you are able to then please consider donating to keep their services going.


No party like a cataloguing party


QZL in January