Want to host Queer Zine Library in your town?
Queer Zine Library tours the UK by collaborating and lending part of our collections out to libraries, community spaces, music venues, schools, and other venues in the form of a pop-up library. Queer Zine Library can loan up to 300 zines from the collection as a pop-up library or as part of a display, workshop, talk, exhibition, residency and other events.
We will loan part of our library to you or your collective from one day to anything up to but not exceeding a total of 3 months. You can select zines from our collections to appear in your space, or you can let our library volunteers select hidden gems in our library for your event.
Check out our form and checklist below, we’d love to hear from you!
Host Queer Zine Library
To host the library you’ll need to fill in the form. We plan our schedule far in advance so please do try to give us at least 2 months notice.
Before filling in the form please also check our conditions of loan checklist:
Conditions of loan checklist
Borrower is responsible for the security and preservation of zines while on loan.
Queer Zine Library will provide a list of all zines plus condition notes on loan to the borrower. All listed zines to be accounted for at the end of the loan period.
Queer Zine Library agrees to pack, deliver, and collect zines. This is free for diy community/non-profit groups and venues. Any out of pocket costs such as travel, materials, QZL staff time, repairs or replacements of missing zines etc which can be covered by large institutions and organisations are encouraged and will be discussed with the borrower before the loan is confirmed.
Borrower will display zines away from any food and drink, and the display will be kept indoors at all times.
Borrower will ensure an accessible secure space and will encourage interaction and engagement with the collections. QZL is a collection meant to be shared, read, and handled.
Borrower will notify Queer Zine Library of any changes, loss, or damage to the collection.
Photography of the display area by the borrower is permitted and should include a credit to Queer Zine Library (Social media tags: Instagram - @queerzinelibrary Twitter- @queerzinelib)
Photography of individual zine covers for promotional use by the borrower is permitted. However photography or scans of the inside contents of zines requires permission from the individual zinester.
Borrower acknowledges that the content of the Queer Zine Library is proudly inclusive of gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, non-binary, and queer experiences. Our zines feature content on sex, bodies, relationships and may contain nudity, porn, erotica etc. If the display provokes homophobia, transphobia, or any other hate speech/abuse/harmful response during the residency Queer Zine Library can provide support and advocacy. Queer Zine Library asks that the borrower work in collaboration with QZL in the event of any criticism rather than remove or censor materials without prior discussion in order to create an inclusive safer space for its LGBTQIA+ readers.