About our catalogue
The library catalogue is a database which you can search to see which zines are held in the Queer Zine Library. When we are on tour you can also use the library catalogue to see where our zines are at any given time.
Each zine is catalogued by our collective of volunteers. If you are a zine maker and would like to amend or delete any records then please contact queerzinelibrary@gmail.com
At the moment only 1/4 of the overall zine collection is catalogued. To get a full list of catalogued zines then search using the term ‘zine’ in the search box.
Not sure where to start? Browse through some of the highlights of the library using these keywords: Queer punk, Mental Health, Relationships, Sex, History, Interviews, LGBT Spaces, Coming out.
Searching for digital zines
We don’t digitise any of the zines in our collection but we do use our catalogue to highlight any zines in the library which are also free to read online. These are zines which have been digitised and scanned either by their creators or by other zine digitisation projects.
If you find any zine in the library catalogue which contains the collection heading Online version available then you can click on the title and scroll down to the summary to find an external link to the digital version of the zine.
You can also search to see which zines in the library have online versions available by using the Advanced Search function. You can follow this guide below showing you to how to do this.