Queer Zine Library

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Queer Zine Library is here!

Queer Zine Library made it’s debut pop-up last night at the LGBT Gunnersbury Late Go West event.

We were invited to host a queer zine making event as part of the festivities kicking off Pride this weekend, alongside an exhibition by Rainbow Pilgrims telling the stories of LGBT migrants in the UK, queer drag performances, and music by Unskinny Bop djs.

As part of the queer zine making workshop we brought along 250 queer zines which we have been preparing for the launch of the Queer Zine Library. It was amazing chatting with everyone, sharing our favourite zines, and seeing people discover queer artists and writers in the mini pop-up library.

Thanks to everyone who came and read and make zines with us. We are in the planning stages at the moment and will be getting ready to take out queer mobile zine library on the road very soon.