Host Queer Zine Library in your town!

Queer Zine Library is on the move! We are a roaming zine library and as soon we started to grow the collections we knew we wanted it to tour and travel and grow in community spaces, libraries, venues and events for queer communities to access across the UK.

Queer Zine Library doesn't haved a fixed permanent home. When it's not on tour it lives in storage where QZL volunteers work on cataloguing the collections. The way to access the collections is to find us at events and spaces where we bring the zine library out to be read and used and handled.

Interested in bringing Queer Zine Library to your town? Community groups and spaces, museums, galleries, and libraries can loan part of the zine library for up to 3 months for anyone to access. Find out more info here


Cataloguing the collections


Loud N Queer