In one of our first zine workshops, participants were asked to imagine finding a message in a bottle from another world or space. The message reads “the best things come and you are the one who will do them.” These zines contain small moments of joy, hope, and projections for the future. These zines act as statements of intent, affirmations, and imagines our messages in a bottle traveling further down the river to people we haven’t met yet.
Monica CF, Dykes in lockdown
“Dykes in lockdown shares the day to day in a random week with my girlfriend during lockdown. I wanted to share our experience with all the queers and perhaps raise a laugh or two.”
Read the full zine Dykes in Lockdown using the arrows below

Marcin Palmaka, Unknown Vibrations
“Technology is shaping us, but what form do we want to take?.”
Jael de la Luz, Un mensaje en la botella/Message in a bottle
Jael de la Luz hosted two of the zine making workshops as part of the Message in a Bottle project and asked participants to imagine radical futures, to send messages to ourselves, and to think of how we imagine social change to look like. Jael introduced participants to the radical diy histories of zines, and ways of using cheap diy cut and paste techniques to self-publish thoughts, ideas, and manifestos. Jael’s own contribution to the exhibition and zine is below in Spanish and in English and includes affirmations for queer people of colour and dissidents.

Carla, Covid(a)
“It’s my first ever zine, very amateur but I found the process quite therapeutical. Reflection of life during Covid.”

In Covid(a), Carla imagines a future world where current systems are replaced with mutual aid, solidarity, and social change
Fallon X Gold
“I think of the feelings that soared through me when I first read a queer zine. The explosion of creativity, political energy, personal revelations and community connections they foster. I think of all the queer zines I’ve ever seen and held in my hands and how they move me like nothing else. I think of how they can fuck shit up and how they can transform. I used a copy of the Queer Zine Library Year 1 zine to collage an exploding Message in a Bottle. It encompasses how the existence of a queer zine library makes me feel and how I see it spreading its power through every library, every reader and every contributor.”
— Fallon X Gold